The University of the Third Age
The University of the Third Age (U3A) is a non-profit organisation for ‘third agers’ i.e. retired people or senior citizens.
The University of the Third Age
The University of the Third Age (U3A) is a non-profit organisation for ‘third agers’ i.e. retired people or senior citizens. The organisation started in France in 1968. It now has branches in over 36 countries and there are more than 28 branches in South Africa including five in the Johannesburg area. Members of any U3A branch may join functions at any other branch worldwide. Moreover, information about some of the activities of other branches and links to live recorded zoom sessions are circulated to our members.
U3A Joburg East meets in the RJM Hall on Randjes Estate, 6 Randjeslaagte Road, Highlands North, Johannesburg (26.14S 28.09E). Monthly lectures, addressed by experts in their field, are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00. Tea and coffee are served from 09:20. Please be seated by 09:55.

To join U3A Joburg East, complete a registration form and email it to us or hand it in at the registration table, when you arrive for a lecture. You will receive a memberhsip card the following month that serves as a receipt. Please wear your membership card to all U3A functions. The annual membership fee is R80. To attend a Tuesday lecture as a guest is R40.
To join U3A Joburg East, complete a registration form and email us.
Small Group Courses / Interest Groups
In addition to our monthly lecture programme we have a number of small groups that cater for people with a variety of interests. These groups meet in private homes or agreed venues under the guidance of a course leader. Membership is open to all U3A members. Usually R10 is charged to cover the cost of refreshments although some courses may request a larger fee per session in order to cover costs such as paper, and printing.
Most course activities are held during the day. At U3A learning is for pleasure. No qualifications are required for admission, and none are awarded, as fellowship and love of learning are the focus of the organisation.